Gospel Communities

Gospel Communities are smaller communities within the church. We meet regularly to pray for each other, encourage each other, serve each other, and help each other apply the good news of Jesus to our daily lives.

The groups are made up of people who live near enough to each other to be involved in each others lives. They are for people from all sorts of backgrounds, both older and younger, both families (including teenagers and kids) and singles. They are an especially good place for people who are exploring the Christian faith to learn more as they see it lived out in the nuts and bolts of real life. 



We gather together as Gospel Communities every second week during school terms and typically:

share our lives around a modest meal in a home;

discuss a part of the Bible and apply the good news of Jesus to our lives;

pray for each other and our world;

serve and care for each other, and others outside the group.



Outside of the fortnightly gatherings, smaller groups of 2-4 get together to encourage each other to live for Jesus and to the share the good news about him with others.

This takes as many different forms as there are groups and people, but it might include things like carpooling to work, enjoying a coffee, going for a jog, watching a movie, helping someone in their backyard, cooking a meal for a sick family, organising a play-date for the kids at the same park, etc.

These informal gatherings provide opportunities for us to:

Smaller fortnightly gatherings centred around deep friendships...

share and discuss aspects of our everyday lives together;

build relationships between older and younger men, and older and younger women;

meet and serve each others’ friends and neighbours together;

develop deep friendships centred on Jesus.


For more about Gospel Community Groups, contact us here.